The 10:40 forfeit – what is that? no notification? That is rude is what that is.
What is ruder is that we then played the guys that are bored with playng for the Brazilian national side due to an overwhelming amount of talent.
It was ugly in the first half when they played with all 5 of their team, the second half could be seen as uglier still due to their reluctance to field the full quoter. I don’t think the Nannas have ever lost a half to a four man side but it has to happen to everyone at some stage and it feels like we were due.
There was a distinct lack of accountability in the Nannas defense and that is not what you want going into a finals campaign against the angriest group of young men ever to kick a ball.
It sets up a very interesting Nannas-intra-match to build us up for the finals. There are positions on the line and each nanna must perform to his/her own best to guarantee a spot in the finals’ seven (note use of apostraphe).
26 thoughts on “Match Report 091119 part B”