070301 – Children of the Fricken Corn


Holy shit! We look like we are about to take up axe handles, pitchforks and gasoline torches, and head on into a convent to do Satan’s work. Look at Wal and Chas for Christ’s sake, are they not eyeball eating twins from some Stephen King novel. Gill is like, ‘sure I’ve killed a hundred children, and i will kill a hundred more whatever’. Even Nice Guy Hannan looks like he is only smiling because he is having a footbath in babies blood or something. Cocky and Tao look like they want to hurt someone real bad. Kondo is a dimension of pure evil hidden in the darkness, and Rhian looks an angry extra from Watership Down.

10 thoughts on “070301 – Children of the Fricken Corn

  1. Nice words Tommy, I especially liked the one about Rhian- as a kid Watership Down gave me nightmares. The captain to me resembles General Woundwort. Scary shit man.

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