match report 091106

It was TIGHT and thats how the nannas like it!!!! Tempers were freyed, refs were abused, indians were bumped and victory was signalled!!!!


MOM – 2 CHris’ – Brown and Gill

Goals were shared, not hoarded, the nannas were a team of MEN. THe crazed nature of the game leaves details blured, suffice to say that we WON.

Details to emerge post game are VERY interesting. Manic promises were made by a lanky memeber of the nannas – who will remain nameless, but his name does rhyme with Bim – that he will purchase an inhaling device known as “the vapouriser” Things we do for our friends….

Also there was one more thing….maybe someone else can remember it….I must have been too “tired” again.

9 thoughts on “match report 091106

  1. I thought that the most interesting thing to emerge post-game was the Indian dude calling you a soft goalie.
    Vaporizor acquired, all Nannas owe me $30, I bought the most expensive one I could find- the hand held model. It should be here some time soon.

  2. I think when he said soft, he said it in an extreeeeeeemly ironic accent, maybe you were taking out your ear wax…..
    Let us know if you have tasted the fruits yet…

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