All posts by striker

match report – 31 May 2012

10-6 v The Legacy – Wesley
CB2, DC6m, GF, JHgk, RH, TW1, AW1

A mighty victory for the Nannas™.

It seems I start all my match reports theses days with “it’s been a long time between wins for the Nannas” and again this is how I should start. The old men of nanna, OMON, have been on a bit of losing streak but that streak came to an abrupt halt this evening. Well, in truth it wasn’t that abrupt. At one point we were 3-5 down and it was pretty easy to see how the game could end 4-7 or the like. But that wouldn’t have been a fair reflection of the Nannas’ efforts. They were, if not on fire, then at least very very warm. Jim was in goals with his new bike gloves, 3 beers and a couple of reefers under his belt. Apparently he had forgotten that the captain usually steps into the 4th string goalie position (and that was even before the pre game festivities). After a few soft goals he pulled it back together and kept a near clean sheet for the second half, not to mention some excellent distribution and not once kicking the ball into the wall at the opposite end of the court. Cheezles Jafrezzi, equally inebriated and thankfully not in goal, did a fair imitation of being on top of the situation before later admitting he was too hammered to see the ball for most of the first half. The author managed the incredibly rare feat of the double hat-trick. The numbers flatter him as their golie was crap and 2 of the 6 were tap-ins from some excellent assist work from Tao and Wal. Chassy was running hard and hade to deal with a number of over enthusiastic challenges (and the chastisement of his brothers) while banging in a couple of sweet shots, the first an instinctive left from an initially saved right… tasteful. The nannas passing game was also well and truly on display, the Captain, the Best Looking Nanna and the Walmartin at the heart of some very pleasing triangles, 1-2s and even some 1-2-3s…

Perhaps it was Jim’s scathing report from last week, possibly the absence of the Coach and The Funky Nanna, maybe the opposition having a really crap goalie, or perhaps merely chance, whatever the reason the sun was out and the Nannas shone! yay.

post match there was some confusion about who was cooking. without the coach to guide us (in fact we had to call him and interrupt hannah’s birthday celebrations) we went to Prudence and listened to Cheezles justify his only-child-like purchasing of pints, ate heavily cheesed and tardily delivered pizza, dicsussed topics of which i have no recollection and left smelling of long since smoked cigarettes…

timestamp: Transit of Venus, Nanna Forum kicks in and the Log Log™ goes viral, Logo V2 nears ratification – new hoodies should be sometime this decade, ARB cuts rates due to grim european economic outlook, Mit Romney nominated as republican candidate, Daenerys Targaryen gets her dragons back, le Coq Numerique orders an 8 bay raid for storing the flood of data from his Epic and also a freakin’ monopod !

match report 120305

5-3 v hyderoos
CB 2 m, DC 1 m, JH 2, GF, CG gk

A mighty win, a mighty freakin’ win !

Man, it has been a really long time between wins for the ageing men in the poos and wees strip. Why has it been so long ? and what was so different on this occasion ? The obvious reason is that Nanna A turned up reversing the recent lack of cohesion due to inconsistent numbers and a near total lack of game fitness. But the TRUE reason is Scrotal Shaving.

shaved; for speed and accuracy


Guy had been talking it up for days on the flurry and there was much discussion in the one-car-drove. Turns out Guy didn’t actually employ a razor, instead using scissors to reduce his ‘bush’ to a 3mm stubble. Now what is most interesting is that chassy, perhaps the most well groomed member (no pun intended) of the nans revealed that he had never partaken in pubic pruning. Imagine his shock andsubsequent intrigue when he learned that the striker had, from time to time, thinned out the manly nether forest. I can’t quite remember the details of Chassy’s questioning but, alarmingly, I do remember the phrase ‘sexual pleasure’ being used. Good God man, do you really want to drive that sort of traffic to the Nannas™ blog ?! Suffice it to say that we all learned a thing or two on that drive, mainly regarding the dimensions of guys bush (or was that only Giller and I later in the evening…?).

"G" for Guy ?

so… the game. Chassy, all fired up on thoughts of bald scrotums punched in a couple of early goals. Frasay (or should that be Shaun ?) was running diametric to the game plan but still managed to find himself in plenty of spaceq with some excellent positional work…get it. Jim, though drunk and high, put in a barn-storming turn; hustling , menacing and even scoring with his head ! Giller didn’t have much to do in the first half but came into effect hard in the second half, particularly near the end when he rolled his impressive girth onto the flimsy toothpick-like leg of the striker, cue hyper extension of the knee joint and the nans down to 4 men. Weathering a late assault with a man down is never easy but the nans acquitted themselves most admirably and ran out deserved winners.

the striker™ taken out by friendly fire

Post match saw Jim dropped at parliament, Chassy dropped at home for an early departure (full kudos for playing) and Giller, Shaun and the author heading to Joes for pizza, beer, blonde and shaun talking bush.

match report 120216

1-0 v ?
CB, DC (1,mom), RH, AW, GF, CG, JH

A Win! A freakin’ win at last. Long has it been since the mighty king lion, vanquisher of mythological and metaphorical beasts, savoured the the sweet, cloying taste of victory. And well done it was too. A good solid 1 goal win, established early and defended righteously until the final whistle. Yes, a good solid win that was both good and solid. Hard edged and smooth, with very little ornamentation or detail, just good, honest and lacking in any overwrought features, characteristics, attributes, aspects, facets, parts, components or elements.

So moving on to other details of import:
• Whitney Houston died and was reincarnate as Susudio Dougdale Whitney Rhonda Coltrane Howthews Mathowie III • Kevin Rudd resigned as Minister of foreign affairs • Le Coq Sportif hired a camera he has already paid for because his still hasn’t arrived after 9 months • Ghee got some new Persols • Arsene Wenger said coming 4th is a trophy in itself after losing 4-0 to Milan in the UCL • Sydney scientists built the world’s tiniest transistor by precisely positioning a single phosphorus atom in a silicon crystal • Le Coq Sportif successfully wrote a setup script quicker than doing the task manually in the first place • Rocket started Kinder • The Hyandai iLoad with a third row of seats became very attractive • Austerity measures are enacted due to massive overspending •

I was going to write more about the nature of self delusion and outcomes versus process but that will have to wait for another time.

“done is the engine of more” – but isn’t that just capitalist thinking ?

Match Report 110922

5-7 v ?, Melbourne Girls’, 9.20pm
CB, DC 4, GF, CG (gk) 1, RH, TH, TK
mom DC

A curious game this one. APISC pulled a late venue change on us with the game shifting to Melbourne Girls College*. A time change also proved an arse for Jim who was forced to get high and catch a train to regional oblivion. Giller on the other hand made the late pull-in, bringing our number to 7. The excitement of the generator bikes in the foyer soon wore off when we realised that there were no spare balls for a warm up, but it was okay for the Reach-around™ as he had worn some tights. A rather soft goal was conceded by the Nannas not long after kickoff but we soon stormed back into the game. Some magical cross court passing lead to the first, followed by a free kick and something of a solo run by the author. Giller was playing some lovely square balls early on but then started to kick them around a little too much for the coach’s liking who, in quite uncustomary form, yelled at the goalie… a lot.. all the way to the side line after the half time whistle blew.. and still kept yelling. Early into the second half we nicked another but were 4-5 down before Giller finally hit the target. the equaliser is always a rejuvenating force but by this stage the nannas were getting tired and the defence was beginning to gape. The man in tights was really starting to sweat, the captain was taking some wild punts, the coach was yelling ‘Fraser’ and pointing a lot, it was heading south fast and we shipped two more before the final whistle… ah well. Unusually, yet luckily for the author, his 4 goal haul was enough to pip Giller by a single vote. Then Chassy of the Triple Crown® took us to some crazy Shanghai genre mashup inspired diner disco in the arse end of Little Collins. Bong Mist was there which made it seem cooler than perhaps it was. We drank beer (except the coach who had tap water (which according to Guy is still technically mineral water)), talked about movies (Guy was there), Rhian gave props to the new museological show at acmi (well actually that was in the car on the drive to Melbourne Girls’), I tried to convince Tom that it is actually spelled reamde and isn’t just a design thing, we ate some chips and calamari and completely forgot to discuss the style guide for the blog, which was annoying.

* it was noted that a nanna progeny may be attending said institution to receive her secondary education

There are no byes 110908

Well that is the saying… but evidently it no longer carries any real weight whatsoever. From a team of ten, only three Nannas were committed enough to go to the Waiters and eat steaks, drink beer, defile virgin brassy and then watch Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Their names shall echo down through the ages… Coach®, Striker™ and Reacharound©. . After expecting the worst our three valiant ‘nobyers’ were pleasantly surprised by the movie, and Striker™ had a most excellent ride home.

* In fairness it should be mentioned that there had been mutterings from the Captain (mainly about a dance film!) and Brown and BestLookingNanna did consider the late pull-in.

match report 110728

4 -4 v ?
CB, DC [2? mom], TW [1?], RH [1?], TH [mom], CG [gk]

Apolgies for the abundance of question marks but holy shit, who can remember anything post Beach Box ? Seriously, it’s a total freakin’ blur. Perhaps I should just talk of the box. No, what I’ll do is put up a little illustrated story, but I might have to parse that through the flurry first, just to make sure that any possibly sensitive material is vetted prior to going viral via this very blog. stay tuned.

So what do I remember through the veil of Johnny Cash and Black Gak… well I’m pretty sure it was a draw, one that we could have won after pulling it back and then going ahead. No, that’s right, they scored a super dodgy free kick after the ref blew the whistle before Giller had set up the wall. Giller did a lot of yelling. Speaking of yelling I remember Tao doing a lot of that, perhaps more than usual, and even managed to coax a terse rebuttal from Brown… yeah, I think that’s about it really, well as much as i can glean through the hollywood haze.

Aprés Game Giller took us to Northside Records, for some casual projection art, milk crates, conversations with security staff, safe words, beers and large chunks of slightly undercooked potato drowning in cheap oil.

But the highlight of the night from the Coach ” well Nannas, it’s about that time in the Nanna cycle…. when one Nanna tells the others they’re having a baby… ” slightly confused pause…penny drops.. Coach, are you pregnant !?… “No, but Hannah is and I’m pretty sure it’s mine…” lots of hugs. yay.

match report 110714 – The Return

3-4 vs V J F.C @ Wesley
DC[2,mom], CB, RH[gk 0.75 of 2nd half], TW[1], AW[gk 0.25 of 2nd half], Phil [1st half only, GK]

Nearing the end of July and I think this was only the author’s 4th game on court for the year! Ass coaching is all well and good (I was actually surprised at how receptive to a bit of ass coaching the Nannas are) but nothing beats being on the court of battle itself. Damn it is good. Winning is even better but just playing is at least 93% of the good times, and that’s not even counting the GHBG™ or even playing well. Actually maybe that’s a bit lower… In numerous studies the GHBG has been shown to improve situations by at least 10-15%. Feeling as though one has played to the best of ones abilities must be around 10% and let’s say winning is another 10% that leaves 65-70% good times just being on the court… and I was feeling it!

As to how things played out… well, we should have had them. We started the game sans all 3 experienced goalies which meant Phil started in goal. He was doing a sterling job but relinquished the role at half time due to an apparent conflict of interest ? The captain (4th string) stepped in and also did pretty well before stepping aside for the Walmartin to finish off unbeaten. Chassy operating on a dubious ankle managed to have his big toe broken early into the piece. An early penalty was very generously offered to the the author by the Captain, who had forgotten how freaking stressful they are, he aimed to slot it into the bottom right instead kicking it straight down the middle, where the goalie had thankfully moved. We had a few more chances. The author ran into a lot of dead ends, The opposition fumbled in a couple of ugly ones, and that was that. almost.

Then Tao took as to Long Play. We had crumbed cutlets, rib-eye on cauliflower and fennel, white anchovies and some true school mushroom gnocchi. Everyone else drank overpriced imported beers with nice labels but It’s The Winter of the Dark Beer® so I tried the Coopers Stout which was largely underwhelming. The fruity White Rabbit Dark Ale definitely has more to offer… unfortunately for Tao Chassy believed me when I said the steaks cost twice as much as they did. The beers were pretty expensive and the ratio appalling but it was overall a very enjoyable experience and I should definitely have given Tao a 5 instead of the 4 I did, Sorry Tao. You should have done Andy’s post vote spruik pre !

It should also be noted that 5 Nannas in one car drove. The captains bar is beyond compare !

It should also be noted that in the flurry this week: “Of all the questions the Nannas have faced, despite its apparently innocuous veneer, is this the most deeply profound and philosophically perplexing?”… stay tuned.

match report 100916

no stats available apart from DC(4,mom)

well yes, it is with some degree of shame and embarrassment that I write this report almost three weeks late. The small matter of an extended south pacific sojourn coupled with patchy internet access and a liberal view of the posting rules is wholly to blame (the disrespecting of the flurry is another matter entirely, the blame for that lays solely at the feet of the authors flaky webmail server, well most of it, that and the super dodgy telcos operating in the relative third world nations of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Republic of Fiji Islands (and the Piña Coladas)).

Anyway, enough fleshing out of match reports with extended excuses. The game itself was pretty good as I recall. We won the first half big time and only lost the second half by a bit, leading to a net result of the Nannas™ up something like 7-4 (maybe 7-5) at the final whistle. The only thing that really stands out from the match in my post plural Piña Colada memory is the early contender for GOS (goal of the season). Giller, reading a run from the author, throws the perfect long ball towards the right corner. Arcing over the authors left shoulder the ball drops invitingly for the half volley. With acres of space the sensible thing would have been to try and control the ball and get closer but fvck it, why not have a whack. By pure fluke the strike is as sweet as the proverbial nut leaving the goalie rooted to the ground as the back of the net billows… Tight is Right®

from the depths it came.

match report 100729

erm… I have not had much sleep this week and the most extreme cortisol levels that is a miracle i even remember playing. As such i can’t remember the team or the score. I do remember that i played a whole lot better than the week before when i played like shit, well apart from the copious assists Jim so generously mentioned in the previous report. To return the favour i would note that Jim was hitting some of the sweetest sounding shots in a long time. You know, when you can just hear how sweetly the ball has been struck, something to do with physics and the massive real-time acoustic modelling being done in the brain, unfortunately someone seemed to get in the way every time and those sweetly struck balls would simply not go in. Finally Tao laid off a sitter for Jim to tap in… Erm what else … Shit, I really can’t remember much. the art Fair opened last night and my nervous system only narrowly escaped a full collapse leading up to it. I seem to recall Kondo and Andy Wong were on fire… the cross court passing was all over that shit… The Coach punched one in from the left with a ferocity that belied his signature languid style… … … yes… I better get ready now. Last game before the man weekend.

time stamps: esme turns one, art fair 2010 opens, gillard slumping in the polls, rudd speaks, rhian updates the mom voter, tao refuses to eat oysters, hollywood evaporates…


match report 100624 – part 2

indeed, Old King Lions third set of balls were swinging with a pendulous grace. I would also add that the Urchins were displaying some very nice linkup work in the midfield, those weeks spent hunkered in the shadows of each others jockstraps shunning their brother nannas must have fostered a special understanding of each others bodily rhythms which they have brought back to the court of battle… ahem.. yes. It was also Jim’s birthday (and Rocket’s) but Jim was sick so he didin’t get his special present from the Nannas, which was a shame. It was Chassies turn to cook and he chose somewhere that was closed…again, so we went to Prudence and drank some watery piss coloured beer that Peter’s minions were trying to pass off as Kirin while discussing options for the Nan’s ten year anniversary hoody.

match report 100610

4-4, v ?
AW, CG(g), TH, TW(1), DC(3,m), CB, JH, RH

I think Tao summed it up perfectly, they deserved to win, but we definitely deserved to draw !

The game started off with a radical reformation of the 9 man sub system by the Coach that was very nearly scuppered by the late Arrival of Andy and Issy. Tao scored the first with a nicely angled shot, I’m a bit hazy on where their goals came in the chronology but lets cut to the 3-1 score that wasn’t in out favour, but we fought and somehow clawed it back to 3-3. With about 4 mins to go they got a soft one which after all the hard graft to equalise was a real knife in the guts. Then with seconds to spare we won a corner. tao stepped up to take it, Tom was yelling at the author to “get in there, cocky”, but he was timing his run, Tao looked set, the author took off thinking it’s never going to happen, but the opposition came off their lines and a corridor just opened up, Tao slotted it perfectly across goal where it was met by a Nanna boot… Equaliser ! so good.

Then Wal took us to Gigi Baba via the Grace Darling (where they were playing the Stone Roses) for one of the finest after match meals the Nannas have had to date. so good.

match report 100527

99-00 | The ref sets the final score for the brave nannas as they depart Wesley

3-2 v Allens FC
DC(2,m), JH, AW, TK(g) | ring-ins: Tomo(1), Ben

⨂ Royal Commission into Nanna Commitment, Transparency & Regime Change :: Draft Report ⨀

As Jim stated in his last report these have indeed been trying times for the Nannas. Three weeks in row the use of reinforcements has been required. This is not good. As a draft report it is not the role of this document to lay blame or stand in judgment, nor the vehicle through which to talk of last second pullouts, myopic creative endeavours or the revolution. It is however a call to arms for an adherence to the principles upon which the Nannas™ were built so many years ago; fairness and inclusion as the ultimate form of success; drinking alcohol and using recreational drugs at the expense of wage slave efficiency; sitting down at exactly the same moment in the trust that as you sit all other Nannas™ sit too, simultaneously providing and receiving the critical support structures of their collective existence.

I would therefore put forth, with the sole intention of fostering team solidarity, continuity, friendliness and respect, the following additions to the “Rules of the Nannas”

1. When stating their unavailability to play on a Thursday night a Nanna™ will give a reason, however brief.

2. A Nanna™ will respect The Flurry™ and state their unavailability at least 24 hours before kickoff

Like the common courtesy of the Reacharound® this is simply to let the your Brother nannas know you are there, that you are thinking of them even if you can’t play and that you care. The Nannas is a relationship and as any crap self-help book will tell you, relationships take work. You can’t just take it for granted like they’ll always just be there when its convenient for you. I realise it’s not easy, especially in this day and age, with the travails of progeny, spouses, financial provision, performing arts, english premier league websites, reduser forums… but a little commitment goes a long way (like ten years long so far !). It’s a biological axiom that the more you give it away the more it comes back, and like the evolutionary rewards bestowed upon the genetically sharing, the rewards of the Nanna™ Brotherhood are a gift from the unified theory of everything…

I love you guys…

… and about the game, no proper goals so we played with shitty little practice ones, Tomo (ringin a) had the mad skills, is a stuntman and scored a sweet goal, Ben (ringin b) put in some highly committed hustling, so much so that he took himself out with a knee injury, Andy, Jim, Takeshi and the author all acquitted themselves well (the author even scored a back-heel goal). The beers at the Windsor were REALLY good.

“stunning theatre” The Age


Fairfax Theatre, Arts Centre May 20-29.
Review, Martin Ball

THEATRICAL props come in many shapes, but surely few are as intriguing as Mark Cuthbertson’s inflatable sea urchin. This curious object, symbolising a creature designed by nature to destroy intruders, is the eponymous inspiration for Urchin, the inaugural production by new company Encyclopaedia of Animals.

Urchin takes as its point of departure the idea that ”fear” lurks within us. Creators Christopher Brown and Rhian Hinkley explore the powerful motivations fear inspires through a series of increasingly bizarre scenarios. The piece meanders at times and never really arrives at a particular conclusion, but the dramatic journey results in stunning theatre.

Central to its success are the performances. David Tredinnick and Christopher Brown deftly build a texture of ironic commentary on desire, but it is Merfyn Owen who really shines, displaying virtuosic control of his oral delivery. From his initial snake oil spiel to his final embodiment as a Latin-singing shamanistic pastor, Owen is thoroughly mesmerising. Jethro Woodward’s intelligent soundscape complements with suave melodies and savage noises.

match report 010415


2-3 v Esperanza
DC(2,m), CB (m), TH, RH, JH, AW, TK

Was a while back now and my memory isn’t helping much. it was the B semifinal so not much to play for except pride, but the Nannas™ have more than enough pride being King Lion and all, and obviously the King must have eaten earlier as there wasn’t much hunger see MR 091210 for more on that theme.

Erm… here’s how Jim summised the game, taken from an email;
“We came in a gallant second last night. 3-2. Cocky got two superb goals and Chas was supreme in d, being justly deserved MOM winners.We were plucky, we were brave, but they got us the end. Dolph was big.”

The Captain cooked and we went to Thy Thy 1 for dinner which was very good.

match report 100401


3-4 vs OzSpurs ?
DC(1,m), CB(1), AW(1), JH, TK(g)

What a great game. Some tired legs in the second half but a tight five that kept it freaking’ tight! The first half witnessed some of the most composed teamwork I’ve seen in a long time. The Nannas had clear positions, they held those positions and they shut down anything the opposition tried. There was fluid passing, back and across court which resulted in the first goal. The ball moving almost into a corner position before coming back to almost halfway for Chas who laid it into the path of Wal to thread the needle through at least 80% of the opposing team and into the goal. I’m not clear on how their goals came but there was some sloppy work in front of our own goal by the author and also once in particular by Jim which was unfortunately punished. Chas should have had a goal, he bloody deserved it for the run in, in fact it was so compelling he thought after the game that it actually was a goal. The author finally managed to put at one in and Chas did get one real-unimagined-version also. Jim should have scored about 3 if only his shots had been 20cm lower, the woodwork (well metal work) was not on his side either. But shit, what a great game, the tight five really does take the Nannas to a new level, positions, tactics, movement and passing… if only our fitness were up to it. of course the downside of the tight five is a tendency to bail on the after match function, thank god for the west side massive (i.e Jim and Takeshi) who took it to Prudence for a quite one. Super Props also go to Issy for supporting, strong work young man !

date stamp: ten days of hell for the Crooks/Ransoms following a bout of salmonella. brutal. Miri in hospital for 3 days, Rocket™ force weaned, El all scrawny and boney like bitzer maloney. Then Rocket™ and dad on a day trip to Sydney, 2 hours sleep, taxi, plane, train, boat, site visit and reverse… and not a winky time in site.

match report 100311

suspected suicide bomber sighted on the grounds of Wesley College.

2-1 v ?
DC(1,mom), CG(1,gk), RH(c), CB, TH, AW, TW, JH,

erm… well yes. I guess a lot can be said for second best votes when there’s a few nannas voting. Thank you my brown brothers.
Overall the game was pretty average really. personally I felt we should have beaten these guys by about 6 goals but I was mocked for this view so perhaps not. Chassie was back which added pace and commitment to the nannas game, as well as a quadruple Code Violation™, the first for a red card after assaulting* the opposition goalie. Speaking of goalies, Giller scored another and now has the strikers trophy firmly in sight, but as such has increased his shots-on-goal:passes-out ratio by several orders of magnitude, ironically (or not) this didn’t have much effect on the game because a) half the shots weren’t on target and b) the forwards were so crap they didn’t do anything with the passes they did get. The only other goal came from the authors back, style, not ! The coaching was very fine from the Captain, who shall hopefully be returning to active duty this week. Wal’s positional play as always was spot on, Jim had a couple of fine cracks, Thomas was everywhere and Tao laid off a couple of tasteful and uncommonly early passes.

but more importantly, chassis took us to a pub that was closed, left the car door open and then spilled 2 beers and a soft drink in gillers lap.

but even more importantly,

20 July 2000

the very first day of brown pride has been finally and unequivocally established. Through the use of email searching, whale sperm and oxide of manganese the official date of the Nannas first ever game has been once and for all set in stone.

jesus, I almost forgot about vajazzling…c/o the beChassler

jim“I am dying to look at this but can I do it at work?”
tao “Sure you can. I did. I’m just cleaning up my desk now. You don’t want to work there any way Jim.”
andy “Make a small fire in the bin. Fire alarm sets off. Everyone evacuates. Jim goes on-line.”
tom “but for the Nannas night out I think we need scrotinseling”
chas “the bling minge, first cousin to the blanc mange!”

and as a date stamp I give you this, also from chassis… turn up speakers before pressing play. Also note chassies shirt in the team photo below.

match report 100304


5-3 vs Not Sure And The Result Isn’t Up On The Apsic Website Yet
DC(3,mom), CG(2,gk), TK, TH, TW, AW, JH

After many a game, at last a return to form, and a return to winning ways, for the men in brown. It wasn’t looking good at the start. NSATRIUOTAWY jumped in quick with a Zidane like turn in front of goal followed by a shot putting them one up inside the two minute mark. So rudely awoken the Nannas tightened their shit right up. Gilly kept his striker dreams alive with a couple of goals from the other end of the court (I’m still claiming the larger contribution to the second). A goal up heading towards halftime and the Nannas defence went to sleep letting NSATRIUOTAWY back into the game. Determined to not see a repeat of the first half kickoff the nannas were tight as a drum. Then the magic happened. Giller, reading the unambigous hand gestures of the author dropped the ball into open space deep down the right channel, The author managed to hold of his marker whilst doing that crazy 180˚ internal model switch (often required when enjoying a bit of the fris) and manged to slap it goalwards on the bounce… ba bang, 3-2 up. Not 2 minutes later another from the right (with Andy unsighted and perfectly positioned on the left) and the Nannas were two clear. A final glancing header was the nail in coffin. Giller is still safely in the drivers seat for the striker™ crown but a hat-trick from current incumbent threw a bit of spanner in the works…

What else. We ate at Pho Dzung which was good but were unable to get into either section 8 or the rooftop bar which was bad. A large group of aging men in bad clothes are apparently not the desireable client demographic for inner city bars these days… go figure.

timestamp notes:
Aperture 3 is a great update, definitely full interger (though still unable to delete directly off NAS) | New firmware for 5DII out in mid March as well as new log and transfer plugin… tight | RED-MX rollout met by rave reviews | Urchin poster about to go to print | Jim Cameron gets zero statues for Avatar | Fraser recommends Breaking Bad | April 10 locked in for the first of the Nanna anniversary celebrations | Tao coins controversial name Nannettes for the Nanna WAGs | The blog moves to new local servers | IMAP embraced by blog administrators

100107 first team photo of the decade, back at Joe’s


witness the stillness…

3 nannas remain motionless for 13 seconds while a forth is a blur of Rocket™ management in the background. I think the guy with the white T-shirt must have been rolling a reefer or perhaps he’s just a generally very still person.

back at Joe’s in a mirror reflection of last year’s cooking sequence…

1x Large Tom Cooper
1x Large Hannan Special (Marhgaretta with extra Pepperoni)
1x Large Rosemary’s potato special
1x Large Eine Swine
1x Large Capricciosa minus the porcini (for plebian children)

match report 091210 – Grand Final


1-2 v Esperanza
CB, DC(1,mom), CG(gk) JH, RH, TH, AW, TW, TK(coach)

It wasn’t my first thought but I did consider doing a hack job of sticking some nannas faces onto the morbidly obese (but happy) young ladies above. I decided not to for a couple of reasons. a) there were only four ladies and it would be mean to single out individual nannas, I suppose I could have made two headed nanna lady monsters… b) I didn’t really have time.

anyway, the reason I have included the figure above is to illustrate what I felt was the main failing of the nannas on this glorious night. The first Grand Final the nannas have seen in a long time saw a team that was simply not hungry enough. I was going to put another image here of a terrifyingly scrawny girl to illustrate the hunger of the opposition but it was too disturbing. Anyway, suffice it to say that they wanted it more. The nannas had some moves, some passing, a few saves, a few shots, but they didn’t have the fire, the drive, the were living just a little too large.

and if you don’t watch it this is what happens when you live too large…


match report 091112

3-4 v (insert opposition team name here)
CB, DC(3,M), CG(gk) JH, RH, TH(ch), TK, TW, AW

we may have lost in the dying seconds but it was a fine game played by the nannas this eve. Andy and Takeshi were vying for my mom votes early on with some fine positioning and delicate footwork, Wal taking full kudos for going a couple of 50/50 balls with Dolf Lundgren. Chassy and Tao put in some meticulous passing, but for me, the captain’s fancy pants foot skills on a couple of occasions were the icing on the cake. Sometimes those cute moves really don’t come off (especially in front of our goal) but tonight the chi was flowing and the magic was happening, the cute was gold. As to the goals, they scored a couple of softies, and one other which I can’t remember. 3-1 down the nannas clawed it back only to have a draw snatched from their grasp, ironically, by a patented nanna set piece, the glancing header from the long ball. bugger.


from there it was straight to the Jam Factory for some of the special good times only delivered by Brassy Mr Springy™. And from there it was straight into the depths of Roland Emerich disaster blockbuster 2012. Having long been an avid disseminator of the 2012 prophecy I was pretty into the perfectly choreographed cataclysmic CGI mayhem… and given how high i was at the start I was even finding some of dialogue ‘interesting’. Then, as is the way with all such movies, the CGI balloon burst and we fell crashing back to shit fest island… ah well, chassy has promised some inaccessible french art house full of self destructive high breasted brunettes the next time he cooks… yay!

match report 090521 – second TT champs

dc(mom/champ), th, cb, rh, aw


well, I just spent way too much time making the incredible piece of documentation you see above (click image to play movie, if it doesn’t work cos your computing is too behind the 8 ball try this chunkier mp4 version).

It was another 5some after a couple of late pullouts, Tao as he had no voice, Giller cos he’s really a young lib at heart and had to go and shake cocks at the australia club and Kondo cos he was preparing for a big interview. Still, a fine bevvy of fetchingly attired nannas hit the aquatic centre for a bit of the old swish swish. The author, under extreme duress due to impending deadlines, had decided he could work as well as play by bringing an obscenely expensive camera to shoot some high speed footage. Unfortunately he was unable to resist the whisperings of Brassy Mr Springy and was rendered incapable of doing anything useful, instead fvcking up proceedings on more than one occasion to the considerable ire of teh other nannas. Regardless of the many distractions and an early loss to a ‘Pseudo Phase’ he was still able to take out the championship. The Captain the only one to show any real resilience to the ‘tornado’ with his reverse spin mastery… yeah, that’s about it. no what am I saying. Chassy chose the Black Cat for some pert glass pressed beats but was forced home by a possible cashew induced medical emergency at Martindale, so instead dropped the remaining members of the elite Nanna TT force at Joes were they drank beer and ate olives and were served by a fvckhead.

timestamp: swine flu has taken hold in straya, deaths now being predicted by the health minister. chassy does VO for Len Lye show at ACMI. LCS continues to battle the forces that be with relation to the shittest screen display technology ever invented. Fraser gets  props from Charlie Kauffman, Saskia takes 8 steps in a row (is that walking ?). Barrack and Dick finally go head to head and North Korea carries out an underground nuclear test.

Match report 090430

Vs los pitufos 6-7
Th, DC3m*, JH1, AW1, TL, CG

Kick off saw only 4 nannas on the court. 5 mind later the nannas were down 5-1. Reinforcements arrived and a comeback was on. 6-5 and we were looking good, but it was not to be. Thomas was playing some fine percentage play. Wal slipped in a Greek. Jim did some stuff. Kondo was in and out of goals. Holler pulled off a late arrival
And some fine saves. LCS scored a hatrick.

Ps. Happy 8th Birthday Elliot

Then to the waiters for overcooked and consequently sent back steaks, creme caramels and jim ordering LA style. All good. Swine flu still hasn’t claimed a nanna. The tournament starts in 20 mins… Still stuck I’m traffic… Is this the first iPhone report?

matchreport 090305 1/3

7-3 vs Vagabundos Da Praia
DC(4)m, TW, CB(2), JH(1)m, CGgk

Unlike previous weeks where anywhere up to 10 nannas were to be seen striding the hallowed halls of wesley college, it was a tight five that took to the court last thursday. A very tight five, arguably the tightest five. And it seemed to work pretty freakin’ well. A diamond formation, Tao hustling up front, Chas and Le Coq Sportif in the midfield (left and right respectively), Iron legs Jim in defense and the funkiest of all nannas in goals. There really is a lot to be said for the tight five. A whole lot of running for starters, but also a real sense of cohesion and communication. Admitidley our opponents weren’t really up to the challenge but they did have some skills, and some pushy arms, not enough body mass behind the arms however to stop LCS from barging his way into the first goal. from there on it was all slick passing and some freakin’ nice shooting. The first Earl of Martindale slotting in a couple of sweet strikes. A couple of very fine saves from Senor Gill and some nice delivery. Jim doing that great kind of scary threatening jumping stompong defense intimidation thing. The last goal of the game was a rather laughable reboundy scrabbly stumble in that should almost be called an own goal, but it won’t because I got it !… erm , what else. Oh yeah it was my choice of eat/drink location. On some dodgy advice from a work colleague I picked a bar (too late for eat) just off chapel street “tyranny of distance”. It’s probably great if you like hanging out at in Prahran but it wasn’t really the nannas cup of tea. Still chassy and LCS took it to the next level with an extended nightcap at joes on the way home which included several beers, some fine whisky (a nod to don draper) and some grown up conversation, freakin tidy action if I do say so myself.

ps. it’s my second to last day at ACMI for ever ! Global financial crisis, huh ? 
pps. touched a RED One for the first time ever yesterday (not mine unfortunately… but soon…) got to love that 10mm Ultra Prime…mmm….

match report 090226


5-5 v Boomin Back Atcha
DC m 2, CB 1, TW 1, JH 1, AW m, TH, CG gk, TK

They don’t drive cars, they don’t drink and they have those really creepy beards without mustaches. But the weirdest thing about the Amish is their belief that pride is evil. Hence why their kids leave school at fourteen to work in factories and hence why some of those same kids get the hell out and start dealing meth with the local pickup driving godless heathens. Strange as it may seem there are in fact similarities between the Amish and the Nannas – a bond of Brotherhood, strange beards, barely closeted innuendo and some hard living times spent sleeping on the floor in Hastings. But there is one place where these two communities of like minded souls do not meet and that place has a name. It’s the name that King Lion uses when he’s talking about his Lion King family. It’s also a name closely associated with the gay movement but we’ll leave that alone for now. Pride. That’s what I’m talking about, and not in an Obama “go to the polls” kind of way, I’m talking about the pride in seeing a group of individual units come together to form a complex emergent system that is greater than the sum of it’s constituent elements. Pride in seeing your brother Nanna giving his utmost for the team, running till it hurts, sweating till it feels like something is going to pop in his head, shoving the opposition until he gets a yellow card, yelling at the ref until he starts awarding penalties to the other team, but most of all pride in seeing your brother nanna yelling at his team mates mid game… what a minute… ahhh… that’s not quite where this tale was meant to be headed…

So, 5 a piece. The Nannas were all over them at half time, but some how they came back, Jim the Amish barn raiser had a clear goal disallowed because the ref is technically blind. Tom yelled at the ref from the corner (but not at his fellow nannas), Chassy slotted in a superb ground hugger (jim take note) after a rapid fire 1-2 from the sideline (but he did keep tryong to tack the ball of his own team mates). Speaking of which, Jim took a free kick just as I was lining it up (which really pissed me off), though I was glad to hear that he wasn’t subbing as i had first thought. I miscued a shot early on and shinned the ball but somehow their goalie fumbled it in. Giller made some magnificent saves, some predictably crap kicks into the roof (ouch!) and one tasteful throw that hit me in the back of the head and bounced in. Kondo’s positioning was perfect for a Walmartin Backdoor™ but the goalie got just enough to it. Tao put in an extremely solid display, hustling, shooting and yelling. Wal also put in a MOM worthy display. Jim was shit.

The other big news for the night was the birthday celebs for Lord Chassy, first Earl of Martindale, takin’ it northside to the little creatures ‘gay beer’ hall. Mussels, shanks, not so little pilseners, waitresses with love beads. Then ditching the softcocks (kudos to the funky nanna) we touched it and went to the black cat for panty stains and some bespoke dubstep phatness. Pert passersby pressing themselves against the glass and mouthing sweet obscenities at chassy for his birthday, Walmartin talking up the benefits of ‘the ratio’. A gentlemanly lift in the funkswick falcon to the sunroom® (think viper room) followed by more beats, a cleansing pale ale or two (well actually just one), a similarly abstemious attitude towards the lords good herb and an in depth analysis of the VCI-300.


ps.  I may have got the goals wrong
pps. here’s a fun game fro the comments – match the Nanna to his Amish brother
ppps. from frasay “If Andy and Chazzy had a love child, he’d look like this guy.”

hartley_16-0.jpg Hartley, who faced 32 charges of fraud, used a number of aliases including Anthony Edward Hartley, Gregory Mulligan and Tony Lorenzo, Detective Felicity Mansell of Feilding police said.

match report 081113

11-4 vs New Holland
TH, CG (gk), AW(1, mom), CB, RH, DC(3, mom), TW, JH

Quite possibly the most supporters ever seen at a nannas match. Admittedly all but one were blood relations of a team member but it was still an impressive turn out. I think perhaps Ivy Hinkleys first game? and three generations of browns in the house, not to mention three iterations of crooks ransom confusion.

But of the match, well we were pretty soundly outplayed for most of it. That’s not to say we played badly but the other team definitely had some moves, damn their eyes. Our opening goal came via a sweet through ball from the middle generation brown which old man crooker managed to toe poke across the face of the goal. The second was a trademark Walmartin backdoor special into the roof of the net. Jim was stumbling around like some kind of soccer somnambulist. The coach made a great one two run but double footed himself in front of goal. Wal managed to raise the ire of one of the new dutch cockney douche nozzles (double code bonus) and Tao of course had to get in there and start throwing his weight around (code bonus and violation negating each other). Rhian must have been doing something as must Giller (apart from letting in goals and kicking balls at the roof) but I can’t really remember, or perhaps they were trying to recruit more nannas for their little ‘camping’ holiday on the last Thursday of the season ???!!!&*^%*&^%…  anyway I’ll just finish up with the dead sitter I missed followed by the two headers that I got !? miraculous (and kudos to Giller where kudos is due, even if he is going camping with the “anal explorer”*)

and, dammit, no team photo taken with all the kids, I mean supporters…

* ask the coach

match report 081009


5-8 vs ?
CB2, DC2m, JH1, THgk, AW

A tight five squad of nannas hit the court, the coaches fighting words of the previous report still ringing in their ears. A hunger unseen the previous week was in their bellies and in their feet but something else was missing. Perhaps it was Jim’s focus, having given that precious commodity to the green flat-mate before the game. Perhaps it was Tao. Perhaps it was Cora’s middle name. Perhaps it was the good idea that might rescue my show. Hell, maybe it was the Force, that mysterious energy which binds together all the merchandisable objects at skywalker ranch.
Who knows?
Andy drove halfway to Northcote before being forced back by the traffic.
I ate some milkybar.
Chassy prepared to be divided into 5 for a major Telco.
The Captain prepared to operate the hit show of the Melbourne Festival.
Gilly prepared a special wilting solution for his penis.
who knows ?
the cantankerous lung butter certainly had no idea of the impact it would have on Jims occular vascularity.
but enough speculation, enough short selling, let’s talk actualities, lets talk government guaranteed deposits in the back of the net.
a couple from chassy – returning to form. one from Jim that was verbally helped across the line by the coach/keeper, 2 from the author, one of which was a tap-in after a perfectly timed and sweetly weighted layoff from the walmartin. which again puts me in the mind of mooting the addition of some kind of ‘pass of the match’ gong… I’ll leave the logistics of that little chestnut with upper nannagment.
who knows ?
a half kilo of beef at the windsor, jim saying ‘get fucked’ upon hearing Issy and Cora’s surname whilst constantly reminding the diners of his elevated mental state.